Error calling PA-API 5.0!
HTTP Status Code: 429
Error Message: [429] Client error: `POST https://webservices.amazon.co.jp/paapi5/searchitems` resulted in a `429 Too Many Requests` response:
{"__type":"com.amazon.paapi5#TooManyRequestsException","Errors":[{"Code":"TooManyRequests","Message":"The request was de (truncated...)
Error Type: TooManyRequests
Error Message: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
【予約限定】【日本酒】醸し人九平次 うすにごり 黒田庄山田錦 生酒 720ml ※2025年2月19日以降入荷予定 (1月30日 18:00予約〆切)
¥ 2,310
酒の秋山 楽天市場店
三十人酒のお酒 | |||||||||||
三十人酒 純米吟醸 |